Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Practical Life Essay - 1168 Words

Practical Life Written Examination Paper By Ben(Zhibin Xu) Capital College California In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Credential of Montessori Teacher May , 2013 Under the Supervision of Ms. Evelyn You are asked to set up a practical life area in the classroom. What are the principles you must take into consideration in designing the practical life materials? I’ll consider the function and manageability, good looks and aesthetic appeal, proportions, completeness, color coordination, control of error, safety and respect for tools, interest, cleanliness, price, availability, readiness, work potential, sequence, organization, order, adaptability,†¦show more content†¦Parents who are unfamiliar with Montessori education may feel that Practical Life activities are a waste of time. Why is my child learning how to wash dishes when they should be learning how to do something more academic, like math? Math, reading, and language all require one to have the ability to focus, to be able to complete a task with logical and sequential steps, to concentrate, to make intelligent choices, and to see a task from start to finish. This is precisely the intent of the Practical Life activities. Through the Practical Life work, children learn to calmly go about their work and to take pleasure and satisfaction from their efforts. For exampl e, Through study care of self. Children will learn how to wash hands, how to brush teeth , how to pack a lunch, how to pack an overnight bag, and how to tie shoes.These activities provide the means for children to become physically independent. It is very important for child to learn how to take care of themselves ,how to grow up and how to be independence. As one of your goals for this year you would like the children to be able to sew a button. List the sequence of exercises over the year that you would make available to the children so that they would have the opportunity to develop the ability to successfully sew a button. Bean transfer using the whole hand, bean transfer using 2 glasses, transfer of pom-pom using tongs, cutting paper, waterShow MoreRelatedPractical Life2491 Words   |  10 Pagesindependent. Therefore, the first active manifestation of the child’s individual liberty must be so guided that through the activity he may arrive at independence. * Dr. Maria Montessori Comment on the above quote and explain how the Montessori practical life exercises help the child to become independent. â€Å"No one can be free unless he is independent. 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