Saturday, April 18, 2020

What Is a Community free essay sample

To me, this means that along with the two definitions, there are mainly two deferent reasons for which communities form. According to the first definition, one reason communities form Is because people find themselves In a common location as other people, unintentionally, and It Is natural that each person and their work becomes a part of a community. A clear example of this would be In Jails, Most people dont go to Jail because they want to be part of the community In Jail. They got sent there because they were believed to be guilty of committing crimes.They then find themselves In a common location as others and In order for their community within the Jail to be functional: they must take on Jobs and responsibilities. While being incarcerated, people need to eat, so a cook is needed. Some people would need to take on the responsibilities of cleaning laundry. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is a Community? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They would need people to take out the trash and clean the halls. A law librarian is even needed to help defend inmates. Eventually, as responsibilities are filled a community forms.While not all examples are as clear as this, many communities form in this way. A child is born into the place which their parents live, and until they are an adult, they are included as part of that community. People can find themselves in communities for many reasons but the first definition describes location as being the common factor between the members. The second definition defines a situation where communities are intentionally formed over a common goal or interest. An example of this would be a 4-H group. Kids from all over will come together to learn more about their shared interest such as different animals, sewing, or crafts. For these groups and communities to be functional certain Jobs and responsibilities are also needed. There needs to be a President, Vice President, a secretary, and a treasurer. Certain people may be assigned to run planned events and fund raisers. All of these Jobs are closely related and all help contribute to the common goal of the group. All Jobs within an equine 4-H group would be related to horses In some way.These are nice definitions of work and community! They are very clear. No matter what type of community we are referring to, the Jobs within are all Important. Each lob Is a piece of a whole and without them, the community becomes dysfunctional. A puzzle with a missing piece Is still a puzzle but Is not complete and wouldnt be worth framing. Some Jobs may be more efficient In accomplishing a certain purpose than other Jobs. For example, the concrete foundation of a building Is more effectiveIn holding up the building than a light bulb would be. This does not mean the light bulb Isnt Important. The light bulb Is essential for humans to see In the bulling especially at night. In the first deflation of community, the different variety of Jobs may be great. Towns need a doctor for those who are sick, and a plumber to fix peoples toilets. Jobs may vary from doctor, nurse, lawyer, judge, farmer, teacher. Different professions and are also very important in the stability and function of the community.

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