Sunday, December 29, 2019

Pro Sports Athletes Should Not Be Banned - 901 Words

As those who really follow and know baseball may know, â€Å"Since sports have been around, the competitive nature of athletes has been pushed to the brink. As the times have changed, so have the ways athletes go about in pursuing their competitive drive† (â€Å"Juicin’ In The†, 2013). Baseball has been around for well over a century and so have Performance Enhancement Drugs. â€Å"PEDs can be traced all the way back to 1889, when Pud Galvin, a pitcher for the Pittsburgh Alleghenys (which eventually became the Pittsburgh Pirates), used Brown-Sequard Elixir† (â€Å"Juicin’ In The†, 2013). The truth is that over the last 20 to 30 years, these substances have benn ruining the game of baseball, but most importantly, they are staining the purity of the game. The essence of the game is that the game is that all players should be able to play the game they love on an even playing field. On the Business side of things, the casual fan of the game do n ot care about MLB players using PEDs. They watch the game because is entertaining. With that said, the better the entertainment, the more they watch and the more games they attend. Therefore, the more money the league, the teams, and the players make. â€Å"A huge part of watching sports is witnessing the very peak of human athletic ability, and legalizing performance enhancing drugs would help athletes climb even higher† (â€Å"Why It s Time†, 2012). It is human nature to want more, and the more we get, the more we want. The fans want more home runs and also wantShow MoreRelatedSteroid Use in Sports1732 Words   |  7 Pagespercent of professional athletes use illegal steroids which are also known as performance enhancing drugs. These substances which are banned in professional sports aren’t just any type of steroid or drug. They are called anabolic steroids or performance enhancing drugs, and they are synthetically produced substances of male testosterone hor mones. The use of these illegal steroids has garnered a lot of publicity within the world of sports over the past few years. As athletes continue to become biggerRead MoreLegalize Steroids in Sports799 Words   |  4 PagesLegalize Steroids In Sports Ben Johnson was one of the first superstar athletes to be caught using steroids and was stripped of his 100m gold medal at the 1988 Olympics. He was eventually banned for life in 1993 for testing positive again (Richardson 2010). Performance enhancing drugs have become widely used since the 1970’s and have only increased in the numbers of athletes using the drugs to up their endurance and perform to their greatest potential. Professionals such as Barry Bonds, JoseRead MoreSports Enhancing Drugs Is Great for sports: Personal Opinion Essay1422 Words   |  6 PagesSports are full of entertainment and great players. Imagine if the players were boosted with skills and performed like the monster on the movie Space Jam. This would be amazing if you never watched space jam I highly recommended you do so. The movie was great; it had one of the worlds best athletes in it Michal Jordan. He is known as one of the greatest basketball players ever to play the game. Space jam can show how an extra boost can improve players’ game play to the next level. Athletes shouldRead MoreAthletes Understand The Danger Of Using Performance Enhancing Drugs1061 Words   |  5 Pages â€Å"19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.† (NIV, 1 Cor. 6:19-20.) Most athletes understand the danger of using Performance enhancing drugs (PED). Average length of athlete’s career is about five years; they only have a short time to perform their best. However, some of them still use PED to cheat their way to improve their strengthRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs Should Not Be Legalized1129 Words   |  5 PagesPerformance enhancing drugs should not be legalized ‘Olympic track star Marion Jones was sentenced in a federal court to six months in prison.’ (Kelly and Rao, 2008) The reason why Jones was guilty is because of the use of performance enhancing drugs since 1999. More and more famous athletes prove to have used banned drugs to enhance their performance. At the same time, the role that the anti-doping agency is more and more important in the world wide games, such as Olympic Game, Tour de FranceRead MoreUse of Steroids by Athletes Essay1538 Words   |  7 Pages   Ã‚  Ã‚   A survey was presented to 198 U.S athletes with the following scenario. You are offered a banned performance enhancing substance that comes with two guarantees: 1) You will not be caught. 2). You will win every competition you enter for the next five years and then you will die from the side effects of the substance. Would you take it? More than half the athletes said yes. As we can infer from the above survey, a large number of professional athletes are willing to risk their lives for theRead MoreAnabolic Steroid Use in Sports Summary1493 Words   |  6 Pagesuse in Sports The competitive drive to win at all cost is fierce among athletes. Winning at all cost often includes using one of many performance enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids. Many athletes use performance enhancing drugs, like steroids, to achieve higher goals and set higher records than other drug-free successful athletes. Although athletes are performing at higher levels when using such drugs, what is the cost? Finally anabolic steroids should remain banned from sports becauseRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Steroids In Sports951 Words   |  4 PagesSteroids in sports has been one of the biggest controversial topics since 1904 when Olympic marathon runner, Thomas Hicks, used a mixture of brandy and strychnine and nearly died. However, the use of PED’s (performance enhancing drugs) dates all the back to 776 BC with the Ancient Greek athletes. In sports todays the question is whether or not these types of drugs should be banned from competition. In sports today it is all about entertaining the common people. Americans tune in every night to watchRead MoreEssay The Pros and Cons of Using Sports Enhancing Drugs 741 Words   |  3 Pagesso you can get better at the sports you love and get stronger and get faster and faster and faster â€Å"brah† you can get as big as you can you could look like a balloon animal like really really big balloon animal thats why I think drugs should be good for you. People could use steroids, cocaine, marijuana, heroin, meth, and a lot more of drugs to use. So the players get pumped for the game. Its like their coffee in the morning to like wake up and get ready. The sports that have the most used drugsRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs In Sports Essay1574 Words   |  7 Pagesenhancing drugs should be eliminated from all sports because they create an unfair competitive advantage. I am against the use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in sports because it is a worldwide problem that takes the integrity out of the game. There are so many people involved from trainers, players and coaches. In the past athletes played for love of the game, today however, the players have so much more at stake then just being able to play the game because they love it. Athletes will use any means

Saturday, December 21, 2019

E Commerce Exchanges Conducted Through Marketplaces

There are many internet based business-to-business (B2B) and e-commerce exchanges conducted through marketplaces. One of these marketplaces is a Maintenance, Repair and Operation Hub that serves many industries in the services of non-production products. This company, known as is a public internet based-product and service applicator who focuses on company’s needs and marketing objectives, such as designing logo’s, business cards and other global company formation. This site helps with the systematic sourcing of operating inputs within the companies that purchase from this site. This type of marketplace gives buyers a wide variety of MRO catalogs from all types of suppliers. In MRO hubs, the operating inputs are shown to be†¦show more content†¦The BizBuyer team also has services in many areas covering the complete business cycle including the business registration services, accounting, media design, hosting, printing, warehousing, shipping and m any more. The BizBuyer website is set-up to be a very user-friendly site with an easy access side bar with a directory that lists all of the global services in a column. This list contains every aspect of the services they provide and if a link is chosen is takes them a little deeper into the service that the customer is inquiring about. Each one of these takes you to a generic page for the services and has links where you can look and read on exactly what the service package comes with by selecting a button that states â€Å"What You Get†. This shows the customer all of the attributes and extras that may come with that particular service they are researching. For example, a Bank Account services page on BizBuyer states that its additional services along with opening bank accounts online are ATM and Debit/Credit card services and also Internet banking solutions for businesses. Also, the MRO hub website has a page for designing business cards/logo as previously stated. On this page of the site, the customer is able to know what services are available for this sector of the site. For example, how the cardsShow MoreRelatedE Commerce1203 Words   |  5 PagesElectronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, is a type of industry where buying and selling of product or service is conducted over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modern electronic commerceRead Morecustomer behaviour1489 Words   |  6 PagesAAP E-COM P 1st Introduction to E-Commerce What is Electronic Commerce? Commerce - The exchange of commodities, buying and selling, of products and services requiring transportation, from location to location is known as commerce. E-Commerce - From a communications perspective, e-commerce is the delivery of information, products/services or payments via telephone lines, Fax, computer networks or any other means. What is Electronic Commerce? From an online perspective, e-commerce providesRead MoreThe Perceived Benefits of E-Commerce the Internet Adoption Strategies for Smes1399 Words   |  6 PagesLiterature Review 1 The Perceived Benefits of E-Commerce The Internet Adoption Strategies for SMEs Cheng Peng North Carolina State University Professor Mordzak FLE 101 Dec.2, 2011 Literature Review 2 Introduction Due to the popularity and rapid expansion of the Internet and network technology, electronic commerce (e-commerce) has become a major activity in contemporary business operations. Today, enormous business activities are conducted online. People go online to sell and buy both goodsRead MoreThe Affect of the Internet on Jordans Economy1714 Words   |  7 Pagesevent in the history of information and communications technology (Chircu et al, 2000). The internet has already fundamentally changed the way many organizations think about and perform their work. The last few years have shown us the revolution of e-commerce in all over the world; so many organizations take this opportunity in our dynamic environment and adapt themselves in order to take the benefits of this new business model. To improve profits and achieve strategic sustainability in a rapidly changingRead MoreBuilding A New Start Up Site859 Words   |  4 Pagesbeen in business since August of 2003 and currently provides services within the United States. The business was originally created in the home of its owners, Tom and Heidi Morgan. Tom and Heidi started this business by selling their products online through various forms of social media websites and buying and selling sites, such as EBay. The products offered by GEI include an array of glassware items to choose from, in which, these items are then sand blasted (etched) with a specific illustrated designRead MoreE-Commerce Test Questions6617 Words   |  27 Pages|[pic] |c. implementation difficulties. | | |[pic] |d. lack of technology skills. | | Incorrect Marks for this submission: 0/1. Question 2 B Marks: 1 Because the pace of change and level of uncertainty in the marketplace are expected to accelerate, organizations are Choose one answer. |[pic] |a. unable to react quickly enough to threats and opportunities. | | |[pic] |b. operating under increasing pressuresRead MoreCritical Evaluation of Relevant Issues in E - Commerce2899 Words   |  12 PagesCritical Evaluation of Relevant Issues in E – Commerce E-commerce is short form of Electronic Commerce which actually means the virtual business or buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the internet and or mobile networks. The invention of faster internet connectivity and powerful online tools has resulted in this new method of trading or commerce arena – Ecommerce. Ecommerce offered many advantages to companies and customers but it also caused many problemsRead MoreRole of Ict in Scm4376 Words   |  18 PagesRole of ICT in Supply Chain Management including E-Commerce, M-Commerce, e-SCM, ITESCM School of Management Studies Cusat,kochi-22 Abstract: Supply chain management (SCM) is concerned with the flow of products and information between supply chain members’ organization. Companies are attempting to find ways to improve their flexibility and responsiveness and in turn competitiveness by changing their operations strategy, methods and technologies that include the implementationRead MoreEbay Case Study E-Commerce2267 Words   |  10 PageseBay Case Study E-commerce eBay Strategy Case Study prepared for E-business, Internet Marketing and E-commerce lecturers and students. Last update, March 2009. Case Study: eBay thrives in the global marketplace I recommend students researching eBay checkout the latest eBay statistics and business strategies from their SEC filings. The annual filings give a great summary of eBay business and revenue models. Alternatively filings are included in the eBay press releases which also have info onRead MoreEvaluating Ebays Suitability For Investment Of $ 25 Million Dollars1609 Words   |  7 Pagesare generated through marketing services, transactions that are successfully completed and advertising. eBay has a primary focus that can identify customer needs and efficiently provide global commerce and payments on behalf of its users, merchants, retailers and brands of all sizes. The California Company based in San Jose, Texas, was a very prominent company that had a vision to bring people together by building their trust and brand loyalty by putting an emphasis on commerce, payments and communication

Friday, December 13, 2019

Autumn and Spring Free Essays

Autumn and spring are my favorite seasons. Spring is the season between winter and summer. Autumn, or fall, is the season between summer and winter. We will write a custom essay sample on Autumn and Spring or any similar topic only for you Order Now Both seasons are beautiful. Although there is beauty in the seasons of fall and spring, there are also some distinctions between them, such as weather, color, and activities one can do during that time. In spring, temperatures rise as the days get longer. In later years, I have come to like spring weather after suffering the cold of winter. More rain tends to fall during this season. Spring is flowery. Leaves on the trees start budding out and begin greening; flowers and grass start growing due to the temperatures getting warmer. Colored flowers with nice smells announces the spring to everybody; we also smell the first cut of grass on a warm spring day. People do gardening in spring time too. Spring is more of a beginning to the trees; while, fall marks the end of their run. Everybody loves to feel free with thin pants and short sleeves in spring. Kids, especially, love to go out and play. They ride their bikes, and if it is a windy day, it is fun to fly kites. Spring is the time for baseball. Spring is a busy time for animals; they sleep all winter and become active again during this time. Many animals will have their young in the spring; when food is plentiful. Furthermore, their young will have time to grow before experiencing a cold winter themselves. Spring is a busy time for people, too. Farmers take care of the newborn animals; and they plant seeds in the fields. People go swimming and sailing for their pleasure. Who can forget the way lemonade tastes on the first day of spring? The fall season is cool with nippy weather. Nothing compares to the color of autumn leaves at the peak of their splendor. Leaves of some trees will turn colors, such as red, yellow, gold, orange, and brown as they all fall to the ground. I love to see the fall colors every autumn. Leaves crunch and crackle under my feet and whirl all around me. The sun goes down so early. Everyone likes the magic of the fall color. Some plants bear fruit. For example, there are apple trees in bloom. Ripe apples falls for eating, baking, and caramel apple making. The next interesting thing is the pumpkin. People choose a great big pumpkin, carve a face, make a ack-o-lantern, and roast the seeds. Halloween and Thanksgiving are the main holidays in fall. Football is a favorite game in fall. People do hiking and bicycling activities in the fall season. One day trees are all bare, leaves have fallen everywhere and there is an icy chill in the air. Very soon winter will be here. Animals will store and eat food to prepare for hibernation or dormancy. Earthworms tunnel down where the earth does not freeze; squirrels and chipmunks store seeds. We can hear the honking of geese when migrating. We can also can smell burning leaves and smoking woods. Even though there are many differences between these two seasons, there are a couple of similarities, too. First, the length of day and night are the same. Second, both seasons are transitional seasons. Spring precedes summer and fall precedes winter. On the first day of spring and fall (March 20 and September 22) the sun shines exactly over the equator and at that time the day and night time are the same at almost all the places in the world. In both seasons people like to travel. Both seasons are great in many ways. However, I admire the magic of fall colors. How to cite Autumn and Spring, Papers